Account Compromise Instructions
Account compromises often result from responding to phishing messages, clicking on suspicious links, using weak passwords, or reusing the same password across multiple sites.
In the event of a account compromise, or suspected account compromise, University Technology Services will scramble your NetID password to a randomly generated value unknown by anyone. In order to regain access you will need to complete the steps listed below, also included are links and information on security best practices you may find useful.
Reset your NetID, Google, ADMNET and AD to a strong 15 character password here with your GID and Pin:
Reset your GrizzlyID Personal Identification Number (PIN) here:
Reset your Banner password to a strong 15 character password located here: (applicable for users with Banner access)
Complete the Gmail Security Checklist
Enroll in 2-step verification immediately, which offers an additional layer of user authentication from some applications and mobile devices. More information can be found here:
Review OU Security Resources and “Protect yOUrself” training materials here:
- Review your OU account(s) for signs of alteration or suspicious activity. For example the types of items we encourage you to verify are:
- Email signature, address book, calendar appointments
Registration Status, Course enrollment (as applicable)
Personal and Direct Deposit information (as applicable)
Please let us know if you have any other issues or concerns.
Protect yourself and your identity; take a few minutes to watch the video here: