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Adobe FAQs

1. Introduction

2. FAQ - Adobe Professional X License Agreement details.


Adobe VIP Program

1. Introduction

Adobe has moved to term license model and a new deployment model for Shared Device Licenses (SDL) . Review the Adobe App purchasing, deployment and management process for pre and post purchases.

2. Adobe Cloud App Purchasing Information Frequently Asked Questions


Advising Portal SAIL

1. Introduction

(link which will take the user to the main WIKI page of the tool for more info)

2. User Manual

3. Training

4. Tips and Hints

5. E-Hub

6. FAQ


Apple Apps Purchase Process

1. Introduction

Apple has a volume voucher program for Higher Education to honor tax exempt status.

~+2. FAQ - Learn how to purchase and deploy Apple apps for campus devices.



1. Introduction

Apporto provides the interface for the OU App Store to allow end users the ability to access and install campus wide licenses from personal workstations.

2. FAQ - Please review Apporto process details.



1. Introduction

(link which will take the user to the main WIKI page of the tool for more info

2. User Manual

3. Training

4. Tips and Hints

5. E-Hub

6. FAQ



1. Introduction

(link which will take the user to the main WIKI page of the tool for more info)

2. User Manual

3. Training

4. Tips and Hints

5. E-Hub

6. FAQ


Banner XE

1. Introduction

(link which will take the user to the main WIKI page of the tool for more info)

2. User Manual

3. Training

4. Tips and Hints

5. E-Hub

6. FAQ


BDM - Banner Document Management

1. Introduction

(link which will take the user to the main WIKI page of the tool for more info

2. User Manual

3. Training

4. Tips and Hints

5. E-Hub

6. FAQ


BID Process for Technology Purchases; When can I start to request a demo?

BID Process for Technology Purchases

We are asked often to describe the process to acquire technology services and solution. This guide will help navigate the 12 step process to prepare for a purchase. All final decisions related to purchasing are determined by the Purchasing Department. Please treat this as a guide for contextual reference :

1. Create your list of requirements- what do you need the solution to do functionally. What are must have requirements versus nice to have requirements.

2. Once requirements have been developed, create a UTS ticket to let procurement know you are going out for bid (RFP) or a request for information (RFI)

3. After a ticket has been created, request the RFx template directly from Paula Reyes; [email protected]

4. Once you complete the template, add it to the ticket created and UTS will add the tech requirements

5. Once the tech requirements are added, send the complete RFx template to Paula to review. Purchasing will determine the bid type (RFP, RFI or RFQ) and create the purchasing template

  • 5b. What's the difference between an RFI and RFP? An RFI, or Request for Information is solicited if you have funding approved, but are not sure what solutions are available in the marketplace and from whom. If you are aware of specific solutions that exist and you want to solicit your requirements to a variety of vendors in the marketspace, an RFP or Request for Proposal is used.

6. If you have specific vendors you want included in the bid, let purchasing know when you submit the RFx template

7. Vendors will have the option to ask questions based on your bid proposal. Sometimes, a pre-bid meeting makes the most sense, especially for an RFI process. The answers are submitted back to the vendor from the assigned buyer through addendums. If a department works with a vendor independently, the vendor can be disqualified. Purchasing is your single point of contact once a bid is posted.

8. Once the bids are received by purchasing, you will be provided with a link to access the responses to review with your team to understand who met your requirements list to narrow down who you want to demo with. Purchasing schedules the demos, and UTS is involved as a participant for tech.

9. Once you select the vendor you want to purchase from, purchasing will award the bid and request all final contracts, quotes, etc for an IT and contract review.

10. Once the IT review is completed, IT will initiate the legal review and add Purchasing to add any purchasing needs.

11. In the interim, the department will work with IT to understand any IT Project tickets that need to be created to support SSO, DNS/DHCP, Infrastructure or Compliance needs, etc.

12. When the contract review is completed by legal, UTS will update the UTS ticket with the final document and the department will create their requisition and send all documents to purchasing to complete the transaction. Back_To_Top

BRM - Banner Relationship Management

1. Introduction

(link which will take the user to the main WIKI page of the tool for more info)

2. User Manual

3. Training

4. Tips and Hints

5. E-Hub

6. FAQ


Chromebook Device Management

1. Introduction

Helpful articles and tips to read before you begin the enrollment process for a successful device registration process with Google.

~+2. FAQ - Chromebook Device Management details.


Degree Works

1. Introduction

Degree Works is a new Degree Audit software, with comprehensive academic advising, transfer articulation and a degree audit which can help the student graduate on time. The advisors can view student’s academic presence and determine the requirements to complete the degree. The students and advisors can review the progress towards degree completion, identify courses required, determine a projected date of graduation, create an academic plan. For more information on degree works

2. User Manual

a.Signing In and searching for student with a Grizz ID

b.Symbols and Legends

c.Degree Audit Worksheets

d.Academic Planning

e.“What-if Analysis”

3. Training

4. Tips and Hints

5. E-Hub

6. FAQ

a. What is Degree Works?

Degree Works is an online tool designed to assist students and their advisers with tracking degree progress, preparing for registration, and planning for graduation. Degree Works is designed to aid and facilitate academic advising. It is not meant to replace regular meetings with your Academic Adviser, but rather to facilitate your interactions with your adviser and to keep you on the path to graduation

b. How do I access Degree Works?

Degree Works can be accessed through My SAIL

c. How does Degree Works work?

Degree Works reviews courses from a student’s academic record and organizes them into blocks of requirements to help students easily identify courses that have been completed and what courses are still needed in order to complete degree requirements.

d. What is a degree audit?

A Degree Works degree audit is an easy-to-read view of the requirements for your selected program of study. The audit is essentially a checklist of requirements for your degree through Oakland University. Completed and in-progress classes are used to fill spots within the audit worksheet showing which requirements have been completed, which are in progress (registered for), and what classes/requirements still remain to be completed.

e. Who can use Degree Works?

All currently enrolled students with a catalog year of Fall 2015 or later. Generally, your catalog year is the semester and year in which you first attended Oakland University. If you have a catalog year prior to Fall 2015, you may still have a Degree Works audit depending on the program of study you have selected. You will still need to meet with your advisory for assistance determining your degree requirements and to create a plan of study. Advisers will also have access to your Degree Works audit.

f. When should I look at my degree audit?

You can review your degree audit worksheet anytime! However, you should especially review your audit worksheet: (1) Before you meet with your adviser to register for classes for the upcoming year. (2) After registration to determine that the courses you registered for applied to your audit like you thought they would. (3) After your grades for each semester are posted. (4) Any time you make a change to your schedule or major. (5) When you need to know which classes to take. (6) Before you apply to graduate so that you can ensure you have planned to complete all degree requirements in the semester you intend to graduate.

Digital Signage

1. Introduction

Visix Software provides the campus wide solution for Digital Signage. The process for Digital Signage procurement and installation is described in the FAQ.

2. FAQ - Digital Signage Pre and Post purchase information found here.


1. Introduction

(link which will take the user to the main WIKI page of the tool for more info)

2. User Manual

3. Training

4. Tips and Hints

5. E-Hub

6. FAQ


Document Management & Imaging

1. Introduction

2. FAQ - Please review the Document Management & Imaging details.



1. Introduction

Qualtrics is a side wide license for online data collection and research. The current license is available to all faculty, students and staff who are currently employed or an active registered student at Oakland University. You can visit, or the Oakland University App store at under Academic Resources.

Features Available in the campus site license:

● Unlimited questions per survey

● Question Types (built in examples, radio button, checkbox, dropdown, text box, etc)

● Unlimited Templates

● Language (Any, including Unicode)

● Prebuilt survey Themes

● Validate / Require Survey responses

● Randomize / Sort Answer Choices

● Accessible and 508 Compliant and Certified Surveys

● Unlimited data collection

● Offline data collection

● Survey File Attachments

2. User Manual

3. Training

4. Tips and Hints

5. E-Hub

6. FAQ


Electronic Signature Stamps - COVID-19

To eliminate the cumbersome process of printing, signing, scanning and re-uploading documents that require a signature, to instead allow university personnel with signature authority established to utilize a signature stamp that will reproduce a signature electronically.

An electronic signature created through any method is to be used as a replacement for a “handwritten depiction” and in no way expands signing authorizations or authority under Administrative Policies 200 and 410.

Adobe Pro and Foxit Reader software have associated fees with the purchases. In an effort to save the campus money, UTS reminds campus that Microsoft Word has the capability to create an electronic signature stamp at no cost; especially for those who are only requesting Adobe products to create a signature stamp. You can achieve this in Microsoft Word following a few simple steps. The image you create is saved as a picture on your computer and once you scale it and crop it to size, you can reuse it again and again.

Microsoft Word also has the capability to save Word Documents as PDF format to protect the signature stamp.
Internal OU approvals should continue to be completed using email approvals.
If you are not using Adobe Pro for signature stamp creation or have a document format that cannot be supported with this free option, please provide additional information when you fill out the Software & Hosted Solution Purchasing Checklist (No Login)


1. Introduction

SPSS Academic Authorized User Licenses are available to faculty, students and staff, but use of the program is restricted to classroom teaching and non-commercial academic research ("Campus Use"). Non-Commercial academic research means research by degree seeking students and faculty members where (i) the results of such research are not intended primarily for the benefit of a third party; (ii) such results are made available to anyone without restriction on use, copying or further distribution; and (iii) any copy of any such result is furnished for no more than the cost of reproduction and shipping. Any other use including but not limited to university administration and operations is strictly prohibited.

2. FAQ - Please review the SPSS license details.


SSC Campus/EAB

1. Introduction

(link which will take the user to the main WIKI page of the tool for more info)

2. User Manual

3. Training

4. Tips and Hints

5. E-Hub

6. FAQ


Zoom Video Conferencing

Information for Faculty, Staff and Students

Once Zoom becomes available, there are a few important license usage requirements that all users and hosts must adhere to when using the EDU license. Please review these items to ensure license compliance and compliance with University Policies 860 and 890.

Compliance details are here.
