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    • 14:23 HPCPricing [DIFF] . . . . hajek [1-4] 1 Made page public 2 Updated Buy-in Node estimated costs 3 Updated last update date 4 Added footnotes 7 and 8
    • 14:23 HPCFAQ [DIFF] . . . . hajek [1-3] 1 Made page public 2 Updated last revised date 3 Fixed footnotes in
    • 12:34 HPCLabGym [DIFF] . . . . jbjohnston [1-2]


    • 08:25 kb.oakland.edu/uts/HPCVisit [DELETED] . . . . jbjohnston 1 Wrong location
    • 08:24 HPCVisit [DIFF] . . . . jbjohnston [1-12] 1 Upload of attachment 'visit-launch-draw-d ialog-profile.png'. 2 Upload of attachment 'visit-open-file-win dow.png'. 3 Upload of attachment 'visit-launch-profil e-parallel.png'. 4 Upload of attachment 'visit-launch-profil e-settings.png'. 5 Upload of attachment 'visit-host-settings .png'. 6 Upload of attachment 'visit-main-screen.p ng'. 7 Upload of attachment 'visit-files-window. png'. 8 Upload of attachment 'visit-launch-engine -popup.png'. 9 Upload of attachment 'visit-plot-draw-win dow.png'. 10 Upload of attachment 'visit-plot-output-d isplay.png'. 11 Upload of attachment 'visit-compute-engin es-window.png'.
    • 08:15 Research Computing HPC [DIFF] . . . . jbjohnston [1-7]


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