Adding a graphic element to information text on Banner self-service

Following are steps to add a graphic element to Banner self-service information text:

  1. Upload picture file to bannerss/<database>/oakgifs directory on the sail server. DBA assistance may be needed to complete this step.

  2. In Web Tailor Administration, select "Graphic Elements" from the menu, then click the "Create" button to add a new graphic to the database. After entering the required information, click the "Submit Changes" button. You will need the following information:
    1. A name for the graphic - you may supply one that is descriptive and which does not conflict with any existing names.
    2. The URL for the graphic, which will be /oakgifs/<filename>.

    3. The image width and height, in pixels.
  3. In Web Tailor Administration, select "Information Text" from the menu, and click on the procedure name of the page you want to update. If there are no records with a source of "Local", click the "Copy baseline entries to local" button.
  4. If you are updating an existing text element, select the local version of it to modify; otherwise, click the Add a New Information Text Entry" button.
  5. In the "Image" drop-down list, select the name of the image you created. If you are only adding a graphic (with no text), you must at least type a space in the "Information Text" field, or the graphic will not display. After completing your entry, click the "Submit Changes" button.
  6. Navigate to the web page you modified to review the results.