Argos Reporting

How to get to Argos Web Viewer / Argos Developer

Where to begin???

If you and your group are new to Argos, here are some tips to get started:

  • Review the entire Argos Reporting KB
  • Identify a Business Group
  • Identify a Business Group Owner
  • Identify a Core DataBlock Designer

  • Determine your Group Folder structure
  • Identify what access you (your Argos ADO Connection) will need
  • Submit a request for an Argos ADO Connection (see below for more information)
  • Submit a request for Access (Report Viewer, Report Writer or DataBlock Designer) (see below for more information)

  • Submit a request for Group Folder(s) (Group Owner / DataBlock Designer / Folder Structure) (see below for more information)

  • Join the Argos Reporting Google Group (reporting-group @
  • Attend an Argos Meeting

Argos Reporting – Accessing the Application

Users of Argos Reporting will have User Accounts created in the Evisions Administration Application (MAPS). An Argos LDAP Account will be created for new users. Users will need to submit Argos Request Forms to get access to Argos and specific Group Folders. The forms are located on the OU Forms Page and Requirements are listed below along with more details.

ADO Connections – Banner / Oracle Database

An ADO Connection will need to be created for each Argos Group Folder to be used for their data block access. These ADO Connections will be created in both TEST and PROD. To request a new ADO Connection, use the "Argos - Connection ID" request form.

These Argos/Banner User IDs will have query access to specific tables based on Banner Roles. An Argos - Business Group and User Maintenance request form will need to be submitted to create or modify an ADO Connection. The forms are located on the OU Forms Page. You can Model an ADO Connection after 1-6 Banner Users or request specific Roles. Once the request is submitted and approved, it will generate a Footprints Ticket. The Footprints Ticket will be routed to all appropriate Banner Data Stewards based on the requested Roles. Once ALL approprite Data Stewards have approved, the ADO Connection will be created. If a Data Steward denies a Role, that Role will not be granted.

Argos User Roles

  • Argos Viewers: Argos Viewers can execute only.
  • Argos Report Writers: Report Writer access is given to users that have the documented skill set.
  • Argos DataBlock Designers: DataBlock Designers access is given to users that have the documented skill set.

  • All three User Roles: MUST request accesss to specific Group Folders by submitting a completed Argos - Business Group and User Maintenance form.

Note: DataBlock Designers will have these roles in the Test / Development environment only. Report Writers will have ability to add/modify reports in PROD.

Argos User Access (Report Viewer, Report Writer and !DataBlock Designer)


  1. User needs to complete an "Argos - User Access Request" and request access to Argos (Report Viewer, Report Writer or DataBlock Designer).

  2. User routes the form to their Supervisor for approval
  3. Supervisor approves and routes to UTS

Departmental / Business Area Groups and Folders

Business Group Folder Owners will be identified for each department or business area. Each department or business area will be responsible for the coordination of the creation and maintenance of Argos Group names, structure (folders and sub-folders) and user assignments to Argos Group folders and sub-folders. Not all departments will have a Group Folder in Argos Reporting. Like ADO Connections, Group Folders will need to be approved by ALL Data Stewards. To request a Group Folder the Argos - Business Group and User Maintenance request form will need to be submitted to create or modify a Group Folder. The forms are located on the OU Forms Page. Once the request is submitted and approved, it will generate a Footprints Ticket. The Footprints Ticket will be routed to ALL Banner Data Stewards. Once ALL Data Stewards have approved, the Group Folder will be created. If a Data Steward denies the request, the folder will not be created.

Data Block Designers and Report Writers will be able to add users to the Argos Group folders and sub-folders in TEST ONLY. A spreadsheet could be provided to load users into specific groups. Security added in TEST will be propagated to PROD by exporting Folders only. Otherwise, security will have to be maintained in both TEST and PROD.

The Business Group Folder Owner approves user(s) access to the Group Folder and associated DataBlocks and Dashboards, verifies / compares Argos user access to Banner user access and approves Promotion Requests. The Group Owner is responsible to insure users of their Folders and DataBlocks do not have access to data in Argos that they do not have in Banner. If there is a designated Secondary, the same responsibility applies. The Group Owner will work with the Core (or main) DataBlock Designer to insure DataBlocks are placed in correct, secure Group Folders.

In order to access specific Group Folders and associated DataBlocks and Dashboards, you must request to be part of a specific group. Please submit a UTS - Argos - Business Group and User Maintenance request form on the OU Forms Page.


For access to Group Folder / Sub Folder please

  1. Complete the "Argos - Business Group and User Maintenance" form on the OU Forms Page

  2. Click on "Group User (request access to a Group / Folder) " and then Next page.
  3. Select "Add" on the appropriate Group(s) (** THEY ALREADY EXIST **).
  4. The Group/Folder should be routed to your Supervisor for approval.
  5. Then your supervisor should route it to the appropriate Group/Folder Owner or Secondary Owner (preferred if designated).
  6. The Group/Folder Owner and Secondary Owner are listed on the Request form in the table.

To create a new Group/Folder, use the same request form, but

  1. Select the "Department / Business Group Folder (add a new Folder to a Business Group) radio button".
  2. In the next section, fill in the Group Folder / Sub-Folder.
  3. In the Comments box on page 2, please note if the security for this new Group/Sub-folder should be different than the Parent folder.
  4. If different, users will need to request access to that folder.

Folder Structure / Security / Objects

If a folder has sub-folders, then that "parent / root" folder should not have any DataBlocks in it.

OU_Athletics (folder)
    Datablock1 (uses ARGOS_REGISTRAR)
    Datablock2 (uses ARGOS_DEGREEWORKS)


OU_Athletics (folder)
           Datablock1 (uses ARGOS_REGISTRAR)
           Datablock2 (uses  ARGOS_DEGREEWORKS  )

The following is what we do NOT want - 
OU_Athletics (folder)
    Datablock1 (uses ARGOS_REGISTRAR)   (we would prefer this DB to be in a folder)
    Datablock2 (uses ARGOS_DEGREEWORKS) (we would prefer this DB to be in a folder)

REQUIREMENTS: Argos Business / Group Folder Owners or Secondary if identified

  • Approve all access requests to Group Folders.
  • Verify users have appropriate access to Banner Data.
  • Approve all Promotion to Production requests.

REQUIREMENTS: Argos DataBlock Designer

  • Willing to participate in the Argos Users Group for support, training, security and general information.
  • Supervisor approval and confirmation of training and skill set.
  • Data Steward approval from all areas.
  • Proficient with SQL programming and relational databases through past Database Programming / Development and/or using SQL Training methods outlined at the end of this document as “SQL / Reporting Background Criteria for approval”.
  • Willing to create both DataBlocks and/or reports.

  • Committed to data security and will assist others in understanding security requirements.
  • Willingness to provide ongoing campus and department support as a product solution ambassador.
  • Willing to promote training usage for future users.

In order to Request to be part of this group, you must submit a completed Argos - User Access Request request form on the OU Forms Page

REQUIREMENTS: Argos Report Writer

  • Willing to participate in the Argos Users Group for support, training, security and general information.
  • Supervisor approval and confirmation of training and skill set.
  • Sponsorship from a DataBlock Designer.

  • Committed to data security and will assist others in understanding security requirements.
  • Willingness to provide department support as a product solution ambassador.

In order to Request to be part of this group, you must submit a completed Argos - User Access Request request form on the OU Forms Page

REQUIREMENTS: SQL / Reporting Background Criteria for New DataBlock Designers

  • 1 year of report writing using tools such as Microsoft Access, Oracle Reports or similar reporting systems.
  • At least 1 class or equivalent background in SQL programming. Recommended example in Skill Soft: Oracle 12c Introduction to SQL.
  • Review Argos development videos (Report Reader, Report Writer and DataBlock Designer).

Note: See additional training resources in the Argos Training Section.