Argos Connectin ID

Requesting an Argos ADO Connection


User -

  1. Complete and review the "Argos - Connection ID Request" form

  2. Discuss the "model process" with your Group Folder Owner
  3. Document either the Model User(s) or Roles List
  4. Get Supervisor approval
  5. Get Group Owner approval
  6. Submit and Route to UTS at [email protected]

Please provide the following information within the Connection ID Request Form:

  • Server Name:
  • Type of Database: (Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc)
  • Database Name:
  • UserID: <you must create on your database>

  • Password: (please provide via phone call/message)

UTS - Argos Admin -

  1. Verify Supervisor and Group Owner approvals
  2. Compile the list of Roles
  3. Identify the applicable Banner Data Stewards based on the List of Roles
  4. List the Roles in the Argos Footprints Ticket by Banner Data Steward
  5. CC all the appropriate Data Stewards for approval
  6. Verify all appropriate Data Stewards have approved
  7. Create or Modify the Argos Group ID; grant the List of Roles
  8. Update Argos Ticket in UTS Footprints

To get a list of Roles, Grant statements and Request to Data Stewards

Instructions for UTS DBA Team

List of Roles

SELECT UPPER(:argos_connection) "Argos Connection ID"
     , UPPER(:argos_model_user)  "User Model"
     , granted_role "Roles to be Granted"
  FROM sys.dba_role_privs
 WHERE grantee             = UPPER(:argos_model_user)
   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'BAN_DEFAULT%'
   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'USR%'
   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'BAN_UTS%'
   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'BAN_SECURITY%'
 ORDER BY granted_role

Grant Statements

SELECT 'GRANT "' || granted_role || '" TO "' || UPPER(:argos_connection) || '";'  AS sql_argos_grants
  FROM sys.dba_role_privs
 WHERE grantee             = UPPER(:argos_model_user)
   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'BAN_DEFAULT%'
   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'USR%'
   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'BAN_UTS%'
   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'BAN_SECURITY%'
 ORDER BY granted_role

Footprints Request to Data Stewards

In the Footprints Ticket, insert the below BOLDED comment and CC the appropriate Data Stewards.

The following access (Roles) has been requested for the Argos Reporting ID (ARGOS_XXXXXXXX). This Banner Oracle ID will be used within Argos Reporting by the XXXXXXXX area.

Data Steward approval is needed by each area listed below. Please reply to this request with either "Approve" or "Deny".

SELECT UPPER(:argos_connection) "Argo Connection ID", UPPER(:argos_model_user) "User Model", "Banner Form", x.ctr_name "Banner Role", x.steward_name "Data Stewards"
  FROM (
       SELECT f.fileno
            , z.code
            , z.steward_name
            , b.ctr_description
            , b.ctr_name
         FROM esign.webfile f,
              SELECT s.code, LISTAGG(s.steward_name, ', ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY s.steward_name DESC) steward_name
                FROM esign.data_stewards s
               GROUP BY s.code
              ) z,
              esign.banner_forms b
        WHERE z.code          = SUBSTR(f.fieldnames, INSTR(f.fieldnames,'DataSteward')+12, (INSTR(f.fieldnames, ',', INSTR(f.fieldnames,'DataSteward')) - (INSTR(f.fieldnames,'DataSteward')+12)))
          AND f.fileno        = b.fileno
          AND f.fieldnames LIKE '%DataSteward%'
          AND b.ctr_name     IN (
                                SELECT granted_role
                                  FROM sys.dba_role_privs
                                 WHERE grantee = UPPER(:argos_model_user)
                                   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'BAN_DEFAULT%'
                                   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'USR%'
                                   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'BAN_UTS%'
                                   AND granted_role NOT LIKE 'BAN_SECURITY%'
       ORDER BY z.code, z.steward_name, b.ctr_name
       ) x
 ORDER BY, x.ctr_name;