Argos SFTP File Task
SFTP Connection
SFTP Host connections were setup between Argos and GoAnywhere for each current Group (ex. GoAnywhere - Housing). For each Group, a "landing" directory has been created in GoAnywhere (ex. ARGOS_HOUSING).
Edit the Data Block Schedule
When creating a Schedule, you'll need to add the following under Tasks:
- add an "Execute the Report"
- add a "Process and Save"
- add a "FTP file Task"
In the "FTP File Task", you'll need to edit the FTP Task Properties:
select the appropriate connection from the drop-down for FTP Host (ex. GoAnywhere - Housing)
- confirm the "Root Path" or "landing" directory are pre-populate
add the File Name (With GoANywhere, we like the landing filename to contain a timestamp. Add _%%FormatDate(Now(), "yyyymmddhhmmsszzz")%%. to the end of the filename, before the extension.)
- add Transfer Mode (auto-detect or ASCII)
At this point, you can test the file transfer by using the Test feature in the Schedule.
Note: As we learn more about the Evisions Argos product, these standards and best practices will grow and be revised to suit our environment more closely.