OU Argos stop and start
Maps controls multiple applications… Argos, FormFusion, and Intellecheck… so MAPS can start and stop Argos, but Maps has to be running in order to do so…
A. Remote Desktop into TEST evisionsdev.oakland.edu/ or PROD evisionsprod.oakland.edu/ using ADMNET id…
B. Go into the server and see if the evisions MAPS service is running, if not, start it...
C. Now that MAPS Service is running… you can goto browser , then Maps and start/stop Argos servcices from there: https://evisionsdev.oakland.edu or evisionsprod …
C.1. Enter your evisions id/pw (admnet)
C.2. Click MAPS config…
C.3. Then the MAPS blue button
C.4. Again enter your admnet id/pw…
C.5. Click "Server" on left hand side
C.6. From this screen the MAPS application server which runs Argos can be restarted or stopped…