
University Technology Services has developed a web application for browsing certain Banner database data dictionary, security, and version tables. We refer to this application as the "Banner Data Dictionary".

The Banner Data Dictionary application can assist you in obtaining security information about various Banner forms, classes, tables, views, roles, and users. It can also provide you with data concerning the layout of Banner tables and views. It also can display the currently installed version of various Banner products and a history of their installation dates.

Receiving access

To receive access to the Banner Data Dictionary application, navigate to the UTS forms page (https://forms.oakland.edu/default.aspx) and open the Banner - Data Controls Access request form. Request the role BAN_SECURITY_R and submit the form according to the form's routing instructions.

Starting the application

Click on the following link to start the Banner Data Dictionary application. You will be asked to login. Use your Banner user ID and password.

If you enter an incorrect username/password combination, or your password has expired, the dialog box will be redisplayed, and you can try again. If you repeatedly see the login dialog, and you are sure typing the correct password, your password may be expired. If this happens, try logging directly into Banner. If your password has expired, the Banner login process will allow you to change it. You can then return to your web browser and login to the Data Dictionary application. If your account is locked, you may use the Banner password reset/unlock utility to unlock it.

Note: On some systems, if your password has expired, you may see the message "Service Temporarily Unavailable: The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later." If you see this message, try logging directly into Banner. If your password has expired, the Banner login process will allow you to change it. You can then return to your web browser and login to the Data Dictionary application. You may need to click the "refresh" or "reload" button in your browser for this to work.

Once you have successfully logged in, the following menu will be displayed:

  • datadict_mainmenu.png

On the Main Menu are the following links:

  • List Database Security Structures: provides information regarding the various components of Banner security such as roles, classes, etc. It also includes lists of users that have been assigned access to these components.
  • Describe Database Objects: provides structure and security information for Banner tables and views; and reference information for packages, procedures, and functions.
  • List Product Versions: lists the versions of Banner modules that are currently installed at Oakland University. For example: Financial Aid 8.26, Human Resources 8.12.1, etc. You may also display the installation history for major versions and for patches.
  • Change Database Instance: displays links to the Data Dictionary application for other instances of the Banner database.

List Database Security Structures

  • datadict_structures.png

NOTE: by selecting a security structure and clicking the Execute button, you be able to choose an item of that structure type, as well as the type of information you want to know about it:

  • datadict_showclass.png

By selecting Role BAN_ADVISER_QUERY_C and Display Class Privileges, you will see the following detail:

  • datadict_classobjs.png

Describe Tables and Views

You can search for all Tables and Views beginning with a specified character string by keying in the string followed by the “%” character, as in the example below:

  • datadict_descobjs.png

The screen (above) offers you two options: first, to key in a string of information, usually a table name. It will search Banner for the value you supply. The second option is to select Object Owner values from a drop-down box at which point you will receive a summary of objects, etc. that comprise the owner you chose.

If you have selected Option 1 and would like information about a specific table, key in the table name, for example “RPRADSB” (or “FARINVA” in the example above). You will then receive a page with two options, to describe the data in the table or another option summarizing the security for that table.

  • datadict_tabsearch.png

If you choose to DESCRIBE the table, you will be given all the columns on that table, descriptions of the data type, length, and finally comments and valid values (if applicable). You will also see any indexes defined on the table; if you are writing a query on the table, supplying lookup values for columns which are indexed will improve your query response time.

List Product Versions

A list of all Banner products is displayed, with the current version number and installation date. By clicking on a button in the “Expand button” column, you may see detailed information on the history of upgrades for an individual Banner product.

  • datadict_listvers.png

Change Database Instance

This page will display a list of links to the other Banner databases with an available Banner Data Dictionary application page. If you have not visited that database instance's data dictionary application during your current web session, you will be required to sign on, using your Banner username and password for that database instance.


The Banner Data Dictionary will hopefully make your job easier. Becoming familiar with the application offers numerous advantages – it helps you understand your data better, it can be of assistance in writing queries, in generating population selections, and finally it can be useful in investigating problems.

UTS hopes you find the Banner Data Dictionary easy to use and that it assists you by enhancing your understanding of Banner data. We also hope it empowers you by advancing your technical skills in Banner.

