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How to Move Documents Between Apps in BDM

This page details how to move documents from one application to the other. For this example, we will use Grade Change Form being moved between two custom applications, OU-ACCESS-ADMINISTRATION and OU-REGISTRAR.

1. Open the BDM Application you wish to move documents from, in this case OU-ACCESS-ADMINISTRATION


2. Query the application for the document type you wish to move, in this case the Grade Change Form.


3. Open the document you wish to move by clicking on the page icon.

4. With the document open, click the Document drop down in the menu bar and select Copy or Move Pages


5. Note the Copy Move menu. Select the target application that you wish to move the document into, in this case OU-REGISTRAR

5a. Side note: the system moves documents as though they were batches. As such, you have the option to index it now or later. I would recommend indexing it as you move it.


6. Index the document and it should now reside in the target application.