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How to Query Documents in BDM

You can launch BDM by logging into Internet Native Banner and clicking on either the BDM - Display Document (on the left in figure 1) or the BDM - Add Document (on the right in Figure 1) buttons from the Banner Menu tool bar.

Figure 1.

This will launch the BDM application known as ApplicationXtender Web Access. If you sync your Banner password it will automatically log you in, otherwise you may log in from the main page.

Figure 2.

Double click on the application that you would like to query.

Figure 3.

This will open the application and allow you to enter the query criteria. Usually queries are performed by GID but you could use any of the fields to query (last Name for example) or a combination of fields (GID and Last Name for example). Checking the boxes to the left of the query fields will diplay thos efields in the query results. If ther eis a field you do not wish to see, simply uncheck it.

Figure 4.

Click the "Submit" button towards the bottom of the screen.

Figure 5.

The results will be displayed. If there is only one document present the system will render it on your screen. If there are multiple documents for that ID you will get a list of documents. Note the GID has been removed from this image.

Figure 6.

Click on the document's paper icon to render it to your screen

Figure 7.

You may click the Document Index button in the tool bar to reveal the index information. The index information describes the detail of the document and also acts as query criteria.

Figure 8.

Document Index

Figure 9.