Cisco Conference Calling Guides

These guides are intended to provide instruction on how to begin a Cisco conference call session and how to join to one as an outside participant once Network Communication Services team has completed the requested configuration. Please ensure that all non-host call participants are sent a copy of the participant instructions prior to the conference along with the participant PIN that is created during our configuration:

Call Host Guide

This guide will detail the steps necessary for a conference call host to access and start their conference call session through their phone.

  1. As the call host you will begin by dialing into the conference main number of x4500
  2. You will be prompted with entering your “Meeting Number”. This, by default, will be your personal extension. This will need to be set by the UTS Networks Communications Team prior to the time you will need this functionality.
  3. After you have entered your “Meeting Number” you will be prompted to enter your PIN, and once you have entered this you will press the “#” key.
  4. Once you have entered your personal PIN you will be connected to the conference call. Your phone screen should read “To Conference” if this has been done properly. Any and all participants that have already entered the system will automatically be joined into the call, and any other participants that dial into the call will automatically be joined to the system.

Call Participant Guide

This guide will detail the steps necessary for a conference call participant to access and join a conference call session through their phone.

  1. As a call participant you will begin by dialing into the conference main number x4500 if you are dialing from an Oakland University phone, or by dialing (248)370-4500 if you are calling from a non-campus phone.
  2. You will be prompted to entering a “Meeting Number”. This number will be provided to you by the conference call host. By default this will be the hosts normal four digit campus extension, but they will provide the number you will need to dial to enter their conference call session.
  3. After you enter the “Meeting Number” you will asked one of two different prompts depending on if the host has begun the session or not:
    1. Prompt One: If the host has not begun the session you will be prompted to enter a Personal PIN if you are the call host, or if you are not the host to press the “#” key. Participants will press “#” at this prompt. You will then be asked to enter an “Attendee Access Code”. The call host will provide this code to you prior to you joining the call.

    2. Prompt Two: If the host has begun the session you will be prompted to enter the “Attendee Access Code”. This code will be provided to you by the conference call host prior to you joining the call.

  4. Once you have entered the “Attendee Access Code” at either of these two prompts you will either be placed on hold if the call host has not started the session or you will be automatically joined to the session if the call host has begun the session.

Additional Information

Currently there is a limitation of ten concurrent callers at a single time set for this feature, but if you need additional capacity Network Communications Services will evaluate and grant additional capacity if possible. Additionally if you experience difficulties starting a call as the host or if your participants have issues joining into the call please contact us through at [email protected] with a brief description of the issue and the extension that is the call host and we will be able to correct any issues you are experiencing.