Digital Signage

Oakland University has a campus wide solution for digital signage through Visix Software. Departments interested in purchasing digital signage will need a dedicated Content Manager/Content Creator and a Department Representative to manage the hardware installation (this can be the same person).

The Content Manager will be responsible to take web-based, end-user training for the software. Departments must plan at least 90 days for the completed installation process including “Go Live.”

The process for Digital Signage procurement and installation is described below.



Contact Purchasing to obtain quotes for hardware including but not limited to:

  • Static and Interactive Displays (various sizes available)
  • Mounting brackets
  • Content players - these devices are mounted directly to the display and run the content from the software
  • Installation

Facilities Management

  • Contact Facilities Management to schedule a walk thru to review and identify the approved location to mount the digital display.


Contact the following departments after a requisition has been submitted. All of the following requests can be entered in parallel to the requisition being submitted.

ADA Requirements for TV's

  • Consumer grade TV's don't meet ADA requirements. Most consumer grade TV's are 100 Nit's, NOT 300 Nit's.
  • They also have a rating of 8 hours a day, or they can overheat.
  • Commercial Grade TV's must meet the following requirements and are ADA compliant. * 300 Nit's - A Nit is a measurement of how much light the TV screen sends to your eyes (luminescence) within a given area. On a more technical level, a NIT is the amount of light output equal to one candela per square meter (cd/m2 - a standardized measurement of luminous intensity).

  • 24/7 Power on requirement for commercial/business use.
  • ADA Mounting TV requirements for protruding objects.


A ticket will need to be created before any hardware is delivered. Create a ticket by sending an e-mail to [email protected] requesting Digital Signage. Some work cannot be performed until after the hardware is installed. You will be required to keep UTS updated in the ticket as each stage of the installation process is completed. This ticket will track:

  • The request for a network data drop if one is required. The data drop will require 1 data port. There is an additional charge to the purchase for this work.
  • The request for a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) for the Content Player and the Device Controller and configuration of the Device Controller.
  • The request for configuration of the Content Player.

Facilities Management

These requests should be submitted in parallel to the UTS tickets above.

  • Submit a work order for electrical. Static televisions require 2 electrical outlets and interactive stations require 4 outlets. There is an additional charge for this work.
  • Contact Capital Planning and Design to schedule the hardware installation for both the mounting brackets and the displays with the vendor. The mounting brackets and displays are installed separately. The content player should be installed with the power button and USB ports exposed with the ability to access them as needed. The Device Controllers need to be configured by UTS BEFORE they are installed.

Communications and Marketing

  • Contact your C&M account representative to review and discuss the approved templates for use. To find your account manager review the Account Manager Directory

AxisTV Signage Suite Software User Guides Signage Suite consists of three software components.

  • AxisTV Manage, the content management tool
  • AxisTV Design, the content creation tool
  • AxisTV Engage, the playback engine.
  • AxisTV Design will need to be installed locally on your Windows PC to create messages and design layouts. Please contact [email protected] for the link to download it. UCM will need to approve any new layout before it can be sent to the TV.

  • As a content creator in AxisTV Signage Suite, you will want to view the Course Library and we suggest you take the following modules.
    1. Course 3 Schedule & Manage Messages and Layouts

      • Introduction to Scheduling
      • Add & Manage Playlists

      • Add & Manage Artwork

      • Schedule & Manage Messages

      • Schedule & Manage Layouts

    2. Course 4 Design Messages & Layouts

      • Introduction to Designing Layouts & Messages

      • Add & Manage Artwork

      • Add a Background & Shapes to Layouts & Messages

      • Add Date & Time Widgets to Layouts & Messages

      • Add Weather Widgets to Layouts & Messages

      • Create Ticker Messages
      • Create Messages & Layouts from Templates

      • Create Pick & Fill Templates

      • Add Interactivity to Layouts
    3. Course 7 Test Your Knowledge
  • There are also Webinar's available, please check the Live Sessions for dates and times.
  • Live Training: Fast Track to Content on Screens
    Learn how to get content onto your screens quickly using our stock templates and easy importing tools. This weekly, 30-minute instructor-led course will launch on March 5 and repeat every Tuesday at 12Noon.

  • New Training Options!

    • Free Live Training: Fast Track to Content on Screens
    • New Interactive Learning Modules
    • Collect Badges As You Go
  • Once the training is complete UTS will create an account login for the digital signage software.

Additional Resources