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Documentum Form Help

Topic: Documentum Form Help
Audience: Faculty and Staff
Creation Date: May 24, 2012

Enter the applicant name and supervisor

  1. Enter the applicant information starting with the email address
    • The remaining fields should populate as it pulls that information from Banner.
  2. Enter the supervisor information starting with the email address
    • The remaining fields should populate as it pulls that information from Banner.
  3. Windows Domain Account - ADMNET
  4. Check the "New" or "Modify" radio button
    • If this is your first time requesting Documentum access then select "New" radio button.
    • If you already have Documentum access and wish to modify your access then select the "Modify" radio button.

Select Your Access

  1. Under "Action" select whether if you would like to Add or Delete access to your account.
  2. Under "Department" select which department you would need access to.
  3. Under "Role" elect which access type your need to have. you may select more than one.
    • Select "Delete" if you require the ability to delete files from the system
    • Select "Modify" if you require the ability to modify files in the system
    • Select "Scan" if you require the ability to scan files into the system
    • Select "View" if you require the ability to view files in the system
    • Select "Other" if you require an ability from the system that is not represented.
      • If you have selected "Other" then you may explain the access needed in the text area below.


  1. If you require the ability to access Social Security Number information then you must state a business case in the comments section
  2. Any additional comments can be made in the text area below that.


All form routing is done by email. To move the form to the next person, enter the email address of that person in the "Route To" field and click "Submit".
NOTE: You must review and agree to the terms of University Policy #860 Information Security by checking the "Agree" checkbox to use the routing feature.

Submitter: Route this form to your supervisor for approval. This must be the supervisor that was listed at the top of the form.

Supervisor:Either Approve and route to the appropriate Data Steward (click here for current list), or click disapprove and the original submitter of this request will automatically be notified. Please use APPROVAL COMMENTS to provide details (as needed).

Data Steward:Either approve and route to [email protected], or click disapprove and the original submitter of this request will automatically be notified. Please use APPROVAL COMMENTS to provide details (as needed).

Content being developed as issues arise. Contact Lou Kondek at [email protected] for support.