Health Screening Instructions for Guests

1. Go to MySAIL:

2. Under the Quick Links section, click the Health Screening Form for Guests link


3. You will then go to the MySAIL page and receive an OU Health Screening pop-up. If you are coming to campus or a clinical site today, select the radio button for “Yes”, and press “Next” to continue.


4. You will then get a Coronavirus Honor Pledge screen. You will need to agree to the Honor Pledge by selecting all of the radio buttons for “Yes” and press the “Next” button to continue.

If you do not agree to the pledge, you will not be authorized to come to campus.


5. At the next OU Health Screening screen, you will need to enter your contact information and press the “Next” button to continue

If you do not provide your contact information, you will not be authorized to come to campus.


6. At the next OU Health Screening screen, you will need to complete your health screening, provide a phone number for Graham Health Center to contact you, if necessary, and press the “Submit” button to continue.

If you answer “Yes” to any of the questions, you will not be authorized to come to campus.


7. Click the “Close” button to complete the screening


8. Your Health Screening results will be displayed on the MySAIL page. You may select the “Send Email” button to send your results to yourself.
