Task: Install and Configure Deployment Tools

This task will install the Deployment Workbench and necessary tools installed onto your workstation, as well as add your desired Deployment Share added to your user’s profile.

  1. Install the Windows ADK (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2165884)

    1. The “Deployment Tools” feature should be sufficient
    2. Note: This is the “ADK for Windows 11” release, not the latest “for Windows 11, version 22H2” release, which has some issues.
  2. Install the Windows PE add-on for the Windows ADK (https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2166133)

    1. Note: This is the “ADK for Windows 11” release, not the latest “for Windows 11, version 22H2” release, which has some issues.
  3. Install the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54259)

    1. Select the 64-bit installer
  4. Launch Deployment Workbench
  5. Right-click “Deployment Shares”, click “Open Deployment Share” and enter the path for the deployment share you’d like to manage (e.g. \\wds.oakland.edu\SON)

Task: Add Application to Deployment Share


  1. Folder containing installer file(s) for an application
  2. Optional: Command for silent installation. Without this, there may be manual intervention required when this application is deployed


  1. Launch Deployment Workbench
  2. Expand the Deployment Share, right-click “Applications”, click “New Application”
  3. Select “Application with source files”, click “Next”
  4. Enter whichever information you want, click “Next”
  5. Select your folder from Prerequisite 1, click “Next”
  6. Click “Next”
  7. Enter the command from Prerequisite 2, or just enter the executable’s name, click “Next”
  8. Click “Next”, wait for the files to copy, and click “Finish”

Note: If the application has dependencies that aren’t included in its installer, you may add them using the same instructions in this section, and then follow steps 6-8 for the task “Add Application Bundle to Deployment Share” but for the application with dependencies instead of an Application Bundle.

Task: Add Application Bundle to Deployment Share

1. Launch Deployment Workbench

  1. Expand the Deployment Share, right-click “Applications”, click “New Application”
  2. Select “Application bundle”, click “Next”
  3. Enter whichever information you want, click “Next”
  4. Click “Next”, wait for completion, and click “Finish”
  5. Right-click the new Application Bundle and click “Properties”
  6. Click the “Dependencies” tab, click “Add”
  7. Check the applications you’d like to add to the Bundle, click “OK, click “OK”

Task: Add Drivers to Deployment Share


  1. Machine of desired model with Windows installed
  2. Folder containing extracted drivers (.inf files and files they refer to) for desired model
  3. Launch Deployment Workbench
  4. Expand the Deployment Share, expand “Out-of-Box Drivers”
  5. There should already be a folder “Windows 10 x64”.
  6. On the machine of Prerequisite 1, enter the following PowerShell command to get the exact strings the computer identifies its Manufacturer and Model as

    1. Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem | Select Manufacturer, Model

  7. From the Deployment Workbench, if the exact folder doesn’t already exist, right click “Windows 10 x64” and click “New Folder”, and enter the exact text of Manufacturer from Step 4
  8. Right-click the folder created in Step 5, click “New Folder”, enter the exact text of the Model from Step 4
  9. Right-click the folder created in Step 6, click “Import Drivers”, select the folder of Prerequisite 2.

Note: To ensure the network and storage drivers are in your bootable media, after adding such drivers, right-click the Deployment Share, click “Update Deployment Share” and complete the wizard. This will generate new boot media that has these drivers necessary for successful deployment included. More models and drivers means larger boot media. Be sure to grab the boot media (e.g. \\wds.oakland.edu\SON\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.iso) and use it in place of older versions.

Task: Add Organizational Unit to Deployment Menu

  1. Launch Deployment Workbench
  2. Right click the Deployment Share, click "Properties"
  3. On the "Rules" tab, add each OU to the bottom of the file in this form:

DomainOUs1=OU=School of Nursing,OU=West Campus,OU=ADMNET-Computers,DC=admnet,DC=oakland,DC=edu

DomainOUs2=OU=2nd Floor,OU=School of Nursing,OU=West Campus,OU=ADMNET-Computers,DC=admnet,DC=oakland,DC=edu

DomainOUs3=OU=3rd Floor,OU=School of Nursing,OU=West Campus,OU=ADMNET-Computers,DC=admnet,DC=oakland,DC=edu

Note: You want to get the Distinguished Name or DN for each OU. In Active Directory Users and Computers, you must have "Advanced Features" enabled under "View". Then, you may navigate to the OU in the tree view, right click on it, click "Properties", navigate to the "Attribute Editor" tab, and find the "distinguishedName" attribute.

Task: Deploying Windows


  1. Target machine with net-regged network interface
  2. LiteTouchPE media (USB drive or optical disk. In the future we want to be able to provide PXE booting over the network). Example path: \\wds.oakland.edu\SON\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.iso


  1. Boot from media of Prerequisite 2 on the machine from Prerequisite 1
  2. Enter credentials when prompted
  3. Select task sequence (most likely, “Deploy Windows 10 Education”)
  4. Select desired PC name and OU
  5. Select desired applications