Network Registration Frequently Asked Questions


Network registration allows the university to identify a device owner in order to meet certain service obligations.

Why am I being asked to register my device?

The network registration system, also known as Clearpass, is needed to regulate limited resources and to comply with legal requirements, such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Registration associates an Oakland University constituent (faculty, student, staff) with a device.

How often will I have to register?

Registration is required for first access and annually thereafter, or when necessary to insure the stability and availability of network communications.

How do I register?

When turning on an unregistered computer for the first time, open a web browser to follow the registration instructions. In the event that you are not automatically directed to the registration site, please point your browser to

What do I need to register?

You will need your NetID username and password.

Who do I call if after registering I am still unable to gain access to the network?

Please contact your local technical support, visit the Student Affairs Technology Helpdesk in the lower level of the Oakland Center, any Helpdesk located in Kresge Library, or the University Housing Helpdesk in the Residence Halls.

Does this system monitor what I am doing on the network?

No, the Clearpass system does not monitor any traffic. Once registration is complete, there is no interaction between your computer and the Clearpass system.

Will this slow down my computer or the network?

No, the Clearpass system will not impact network or system performance. The registration process averages 90 seconds. Once registration is complete, there is no interaction between the client and the Clearpass system.

Is Registration also required for the Residence Hall Network?

Yes, there are some variations to the registration process that accommodate the difference between residential use and business / academic computer use. Please contact the University Housing Helpdesk for any additional details or with additional questions concerning registration.

How will this impact any hubs or switches I have?

Desktop hubs, switches, and routers are not permitted on the Oakland University network per University Policy #850. The Clearpass system will not work properly with these devices.