Termination Tickets
When a ticket arrives in FootPrints Service Core with the description stating "termination", the following steps will help guide you to successfuly complete the ticket.
Step 1.
Open the ticket within an email or the FootPrints website and locate the username of who is being terminated.
Step 2.
Once you have found the username, open the Bradford website portal (grcm.sys.oakland.edu) and log in.
Step 3.
After logging into the the Bradford portal, navigate to the 'User View' tab at the top left of the page. After clicking on the tab, there will be a search bar to the right that will ask for the <IP,MAC,User,Host Name>. This is where you will type in the NetId of the individual being terminated.
Step 4.
After typing in the NetId, the user will pop up in the display box. Right click on said user and in the dropdown click on the 'set expiration' option.
Step 5.
A window will then pop up after right clicking. Inside of the window, check the first box and enter the specified date of expiration that was defined inside of the FootPrints Ticket. After the date is defined, then check the last box that says 'Delete Registered Hosts..'. In the dropdown, it will have an option to choose 'Yes' or 'No'. You will choose 'Yes' if the terminated user is an employee and 'No' if the user is a student. This information will also be specified in the FootPrints ticket.
Step 6.
Select 'Ok' when all information is entered properly. Then, go into Footprints and update the ticket with the following message:
Set expiration for 8/10/18 in Bradford.