Set-up the Webapp Script

This page details how to set up your machine to use the webapp script. The script was designed to interface the Psi-Probe manager, which shows the status of current webapps, and has the ability to start, stop and reload them.

Configuring tomcat-users.xml

  • If it is not already, please ensure a path is set for $TOMCAT_HOME, so that it points to your tomcat directory. In order to use this script, your tomcat-users.xml file must be configured to include a “manager-gui” role. The tomcat-users.xml file will be located in the 'conf' directory of tomcat.

  • Your tomcat-users.xml file should resemble the following:
  • tomcat-users.png

  • The highlighted lines are what will need to be in your xml file for the script to run properly- if they are not already there, please add them. Your username and password should be your own. “manager-gui” must be added to your roles; it is the only role required to run the script.

Check that psi-probe is deployed

Setting an Alias

  • So that you may run the webapp script more easily, it is suggested you create an alias "webapp" in the following file:

  • alias.png

So long as tomcat is running, you should now be able to run the webapp script