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Using Capture CD

Topic: Using Capture CD
Audience: Staff
Creation Date: February 23, 2012
Author: Chris Genevich

Windows 7 Instructions

1) Create the custom OS the way you would like it to be deployed

2) Insert the x86 or x64 Capture CD

3) Open command prompt and run the following commands:

  • cd C:\windows\system32\sysprep
  • sysprep /oobe /generalize /reboot

4) The sysprep program will now prepare the computer Image to be uploaded to the Windows Deployment Server (WDS)

5) Once the sysprep completes the computer will automatically reboot

6) Boot the Capture CD to start the Capture Wizard

7) Select the Partition that was syspreped and add an Image name and Image description then click next


8) Click browse an select the name and location to store the customized WIM file (Usually the C:\ drive)

9) Check the box that says "Upload Image to a Windows Deployment Services Server (optional)

10) Enter wdsdev02.test.oakland.edu as the server name and click connect


11) Enter your admnet credentials as follows:

  • username: admnet\<username>

  • Password: <ADMNET Password>

12) Click next and the custom WIM will be created and automatically uploaded to the WDS Server.

Place a ticket with UTS to request testing and deployment of your image by sending an email to [email protected].