Deploying Windows
Deploying Windows over the network has many advantages:
- Deployment times are faster because of automation
- Software can be installed silently while Windows is being installed
- Windows updates can be applied automatically during installation
- The device will automatically join the domain and have appropriate group policies applied
Our current deployment solution is built on Microsoft's WDS and MDT solutions.
Getting Started
Join the Slack channel
Request to be added to the desktopDeployer or desktopDeployerAdmin group. The Desktop Deployer group allows all you need to deploy a desktop, the desktop deployer admin group allows you to add drivers and modify the deployment process.
Lite touch deployments can be initiated with a network boot (PXE) in some location on campus. In other locations the USB boot method is required.
PXE boot
1. Boot PXE or network boot. It does not require a USB or CD-ROM drive. It is available on all networks (buildings).
PXE booting may require that you enable it in BIOS.
2. After PXE is booted, a menu will show up. Select the option "UTS Windows deployment services (w)."
3. Another menu will appear, select the option "Lite Touch Windows PE (x64)."
4. MDT will deploy and you will be prompted for your ADMNET username and password.
5. A list of operating system will be available to install. Select "Deploy Windows 10 Gold" to install our latest version of Windows.
6. The next option will ask you to enter your department and enter a computer name.
7. The final menu will show you a list of applications available to install on your Operating System. Select the Applications you would like to install.
The OS will be installed after the last step.
CD or USB Boot
When booting from a CD or USB, you still need network connectivity (ethernet and netreged). A fully offline deploy is possible, but there is no supported solution provided by UTS. Feel free to ask for a consultation if you have a special use case.
First get the ISO from \\wds02\Discovery Media\Windows10Discovery.iso
To use as a CD you can burn the ISO to a CD or mount the ISO to a VM.
To create a bootable USB, use the ISO with a USB creation tool like Rufus.
Adding Drivers
Download driver CABs. For Dell computers, go to: Enter Deployment Center
You will need to know the exact WMI call make and model. This information is given in the lite-touch deployment wizard. You can also run the following command: wmic computersystem get manufacturer,model
Download and install the Assessment and Deployment Kit version 1607
- Install Microsoft Deployment Toolkit from \\wds\mdtproduction$
- Launch the Deployment Workbench
From the Deployment Workbench:
- Add a deployment share \\wds02\mdtproduction$ if needed
- Select out-of-box drivers from the deployment share
- Choose the operating system, make, and model of your PC
- If folder doesn't exist for PC model, create a folder. Be sure to use the WMI based make and model.
- Right-click on the model and choose "Import Drivers".
Get the local log and upload it, for review.
new-psdrive -name P -psprovider Filesystem -root \\\Logs$ copy-item X:/copy-item X:\Windows\Logs\Dism\dism.log P:\ -credential $(get-credential)