Symantec endpoint is client software that provides Antivirus,
It can be installed by the local desktop support professionals for any department on campus.
Verify Connection Settings
You can verify what client a device is using from Symantec endpoint protection by:
- Opening the Symantec Endpoint Client. By double-clicking on the yellow shield in your bottom right toolbar
- Click on the Help - then Trouble shooting
- Choosing "server Connection Status."
- Ensure that Server Name: "" and Port Number: 44
Install Instruction
You will need access to CASOFT - To request access email [email protected]
run the win64-setup.exe installer from \\\shares\common\casoft\symantec\latest\
After the reboot, you may be prompted by Windows defender or another antivirus software. Choose the option to enable and update Symantec endpoint protection.
The Installer can not be run from a network share.
Browse to \\admnet\shares\Common\CASOFT\Symantec\latest copy the entire macClient directory to the Mac you will be performing the install on. Then run Symantec Endpoint Protection
You will need to provide a password to uninstall Symantec Endpoint. Ask you supervisor or Email [email protected] if you need this password.