ClearPass User Guide
ClearPass User Guide
- Registering your device via ClearPass Portal Redirect (wired network)
- Registering your device via ClearPass Portal Redirect (wireless network)
- Logging into ClearPass User Management Portal
- Registering your device via ClearPass User Management Portal
- Editing/Extending your device registration via ClearPass User Management Portal
- Deleting your device registration via ClearPass User Management Portal
- How do I report an issue?
- FAQs
Registering your device via ClearPass Portal Redirect (wired network)
When you connect a computer to either the wired or wireless network for the first time, you should be automatically redirected to the ClearPass Captive Portal Login Screen.
At the Network Registration screen, enter you OU NetID and password and press the Log In button
At the Register Device screen, enter a Device Name for your device (if desired), your email address, and press the Create Device button
Note: "Email Address" may be shown instead of "Sponsor's Email". This is the same field.
- Your device should now be registered
Registering your device via ClearPass Portal Redirect (wireless network)
Only the grizznet (Campus) and Grizzlies (Housing) wireless networks utilize ClearPass for authentication.
In a Campus building, we recommend that you connect to the Grizznet-Secure wireless network instead of grizznet. Instructions for connecting can be found here.
- Connect to the appropriate wireless network
You should be redirected to ClearPass's Captive Portal
At the Network Registration screen, enter you OU NetID and password and press the Log In button
At the Register Device screen, enter a Device Name for your device (if desired), your email address, and press the Create Device button
Note: "Email Address" may be shown instead of "Sponsor's Email". This is the same field.
- Your device should now be registered
Logging into ClearPass User Management Portal
Using your webbrowser, navigate to the ClearPass website.
Log into the ClearPass using your Oakland University NetID and password
Registering your device via ClearPass User Management Portal
If you have not already done so, log into the ClearPass User Management Portal
In the navigation box in the upper lefthand corner of the screen, select Create Device
At the Create Device screen, enter a Device Name for your device (if desired), the MAC address of your device, your email address, and press the Create Device button
Note: "Email Address" may be shown instead of "Sponsor's Email". This is the same field.
Instructions to help you find the MAC address of your device can be found here
When your device registration is completed, you will be provided with a Create New Device Receipt
Editing/Extending your device registration via ClearPass User Management Portal
If you have not already done so, log into the ClearPass User Management Portal
In the navigation box in the upper lefthand corner of the screen, select Manage Devices
At the Manage Devices screen, select the device which you wish to delete and press the Edit button
- At the Edit Device screen, you can update the Device Name, Email Address and Account Expiration
- Device Name - This is a self assigned description of the device. This field is not required.
- Email Address - If it is not populated, you would enter your Oakland email address here. This field is required and will ensure that you will receive a notice before any of your devices expire.
Note: "Email Address" may be shown instead of "Sponsor's Email". This is the same field.
- Account Expiration - This field is to allow you to extend the registration of your device. Currently, we only allow users to extend their devices for 1 year.
Make your changes at the Edit Device screen and press the Update Device button
- Your device has now been updated
Deleting your device registration via ClearPass User Management Portal
If you have not already done so, log into the ClearPass User Management Portal
In the navigation box in the upper lefthand corner of the screen, select Manage Devices
At the Manage Devices screen, select the device which you wish to delete and press the Remove button
At the Remove Account pop-up, select the radio button for Delete account and press the Make Changes button
- Your device has now been deleted
How do I report an issue?
If you are experiencing an issue, send an email to [email protected] to create a ticket.
- In the email, include the following information:
- Type of device that you are using
- Your MAC Address
Instructions to help you find the MAC address of your device can be found here
- Approximate time that you experienced the issue
- A brief description of the issue that you experienced.
Why can't I access the ClearPass website from outside of Oakland University's network?
Answer: This is a security precaution that we have decided to take
Why do we need ClearPass?
Answer: We use ClearPass as a Network Authentication Control (NAC) tool. This ensures that only authorized users have access to Oakland University's internal network.
- If I am manually registering my device, why can't you auto-populate my MAC address?
Answer: If you are manually registering your device, then we are not assuming that the device that you are currently using is the device which you are registering.
- How do I find the MAC address of my device?
Answer: Instructions to help you find the MAC address of your device can be found here
- Why do I need to associate my email address to my device?
Answer: By having your email address associated with your device registration, you will receive an alert before your device expires so that you may extend your registration.
- Why can't you just auto-populate my email address into the form?
Answer: We are actually working on this so stay tuned...
- What is the "Sponsor's Email"? Why does the documentation show "Email Address" instead?
Answer: We are actually working with the vendor on this to determine which is the most appropriate field to use. Once we come to a determination, we will update both the documentation and the website to match each other.
- Next Question?