Windows 10
Status: Stable - Windows 10 is recommended for new production systems at Oakland University.
Version to use
We recommend using Windows 10 Education rather than Pro or Enterprise. Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 can be directly upgraded to Windows 10 Education. Windows XP and Vista will require a clean install.
Version on deployment server: 1909
Version released through our Windows Updates server: 1909 (being rolled out from Aug 12th - Aug 19th.
For information on a versions support lifecycle see:
The recommended deployment strategy is a lite touch network deployment See Using the Windows Deployment Server
USB Install
Don't use any third-party USB creation tools when trying to create a USB install media. Use Windows Media Creation Tool, this prevents activation issues. See here for more details.
New Features
This feature enables users to share wifi passwords with Skype,, and Facebook Friends. It is on by default and can be left on as a convenience item. The user is has to choose which password to share. The feature does not apply to grizznet or resnet because use mac based authentication instead of a password.