Mathematica Site Network
Up to 26 floating Mathematica network licenses are available for faculty, staff, and graduate students, as well as through select campus laboratories (including undergraduate students). Licenses are assigned by connecting a locally installed Mathematica client to the campus license server maintained for Math and Stats by UTS. These licenses can be accessed on-campus and through the VPN. This document describes how to setup Mathematica and use one of these licenses.
Download and Install
To download Mathematica for use with the network license server, connect to the Wolfram User Portal, and sign-in using your OU NetID credentials:
Select the "SSO" sign-in option:
When prompted enter your OU NetID and password:
Once you're logged in, select the tab for "Products and Services", and select the link for "Network Mathematica for Sites":
Select the "Get Downloads" button, and then select the "Standard Download" (an installer) for your operating system:
Initiate and complete the download of the installer:
After the download is complete, start this installer on your workstation, and follow the prompts to install the application.
As of Mathematica version 14.1.0, all Wolfram products are sourced through "Wolfram App" - this installation method may be somewhat different than the release of previous versions, so please refer to the Wolfram installation instructions as-needed.
After Mathematica is installed, you will need to activate the product for the first time. Start Mathematica, and when asked to activate, select "Other Ways to Activate":
When presented with the next list of choices, select "Activate through a Wolfram Network License Server"
Note: On Fedora Linux it was found that only way to get to the activation screen was to change to the installation directory, and use the command:
sh ./WolframNB
Once you see the screen asking or the name of the License Server, use "" as shown below:
Mathematica should now start normally:
More Information
Mathematica for Home - how to request standalone access from a home computer
Mathematica Online - requesting online access.